Regular Service Times
Sundays 9:30-10:30 am Sunday School
Sunday school is a time of learning for all who come. We have a class for all ages from birth to adult and focus on a solid scriptural foundation for our younger children through High School and continued spiritual growth for College age and above students.
Sundays 10:45-12:00 pm Morning Worship
Come as you are for our morning worship service. You will be welcomed in jeans and a t-shirt or a suit ant tie. Our service offers a mix of traditional and contemporary music to prepare our hearts to receive the message God has prepared our pastor to give us.
Ministries of FBC
get involved, serve and learn with fellow believers
Women’s Bible Study
God has a calling for each of us whether at home, work, within the church or any other avenue God may lead. At First Baptist, it is our desire to help encourage and equip women to live out the ministries God has laid out for them. Through women’s Bible study and other women’s events, we are able to help equip women with the tools needed to fulfill God’s calling on their lives. Through prayer, sharing of our lives and lifting each other up, we can encourage each other to become the women God created us to be.
Women’s bible study meets: Thursdays 9:00-11:00am
Women’s events occur every other month
Contact Dawn Douglas for more information
Women’s Bible Study Fellowship Meeting
Topic — Revelation: Our Hope
Revelation gives us hope of a world made new by the redemption and restoration that Jesus offers today and for eternity.
Monday 7:00-8:30pm
Women and Students (6-18)
Men’s Ministry
6-7am Tuesday mornings at the Main Campus (1120 E Pine St).
Seeking to be disciples of Christ, we meet to study God’s word, study theology, and pray. Please contact either pastor, Josh Ryan or David Spencer for more info.
Mixteco/Spanish Church Plant
3:30pm - 5:30pm on Sundays at the Larch Campus (703 E Larch Ave). Contact Pastor Josh Ryan for more info.
3:30pm - 5:30pm los domingos en 703 E Larch Ave. Contacta a Pastor Josh Ryan (Pastor Josué) si quiere mas información.
Sunago (συνάγω)
Church prayer meeting and potluck dinner
Wednesday evenings at the Main Campus (1120 E Pine St)
Dinner — 6:15pm
Bible Study and Prayer — 7:00pm-8:00pm
Kingdom Krew
Young adults Bible Study and Fellowship
9:30am Sunday Mornings at the Main Campus (1120 E Pine St)